Although my second semester did not really excite so much compared to my first semester, I still found some little things that gave me joy. 
Writing II, WRI 102 was the second semester course that excited me the most and here shown at the left is my instructor Prof Amy Greene.
Naturally, I like writing and it was one of my hobies, maybe because I am naturally tacturn, and so like to be heard from what I put down on black and white.
I dreaded this course because it was gonna be tougher, compared to WRI 101 of the previous semester. The course excited me the most because I was having a new faculty (Prof Amy Greene) who had just joined the university.
The memory of my first day of her class still linger in my mind. That day really prooved that the course wasn't really going to be easy. On that day of class, she gave the class a complex topic to write on as our in class assingment after she, and all of us had introduced ourselves. We were asked to write on which one of these is more important, "MEMORY" and "REALITY" under 5 minutes just before class discussion of the topic. This was quite shoking, you know. Quiz on the first day of class?!
It looked like a bombshell that hit not just me alone but the 18 students in that class.
It seemed awkward a topic to write on at first.
How can one compare memory and reality?, I thought.
As the first minute was gone, whe announced that it was four minutes left and even then, no one had yet started writing anything. She mentioned that we should write our thinking and that it was all she require from us to do.
Oh, I seemed to have got the logic. I shuld write anything I think. "None is more important", I thought. I began to put my thought on the paper we were given. Believe me, it was the toughtest quiz I had come across in AAUN.
This morning, as I came across my script, I feel so happy that I could write a good piece like this under five minutes. I still doubt the Reality that I wrote it. But my memory is not that poor that I have forgotten so soon that I wrote it. After all, my name is there and the date is there too, my first day of the second semester class.
Memory and Reality: None is more important
Memory is the recall of a stored information. It could be natural such as when it is the brain that is involved in it or it could be artificial, e.g. computer memory.
Reality can be seen as something that has a possiblilty of occuring or has once occured.
On comparing memory and reality, we can find that there is no solid basis for comparison. Hence, hard to understatnd, if not impopssible which is more important.
In my opinion, each is as important as the other. Memory is important in knowing the time, place and generally, the details of an event. It helps one to know what the scene of an event is like. I remember when I was small and I was required to draw water before going to school every morning. This was because we lived in an area where tap water was very rare. On growing up and in this civilized world, we have seen that individuals now sink their bore holes and can get water. so the event of my old days is not quite easy to remember and somehow there seemed not be need for it. This is because man tends to live by the moment and that is reality. It now appears that my experience while young is becoming abstract and not real.
We can now see that it is easy to think that reality is in this case the most important. For anyone whol thinks this is true, I would like to say that the experience of an event (memory) calls for one to live at the moement - reality. Just as the hostorians would say, "history is what makes people know where they belong and where they are heeding to."
We can now see that Memory and Reality are two intertwined comcepts.

Writing II, WRI 102 was the second semester course that excited me the most and here shown at the left is my instructor Prof Amy Greene.
Naturally, I like writing and it was one of my hobies, maybe because I am naturally tacturn, and so like to be heard from what I put down on black and white.
I dreaded this course because it was gonna be tougher, compared to WRI 101 of the previous semester. The course excited me the most because I was having a new faculty (Prof Amy Greene) who had just joined the university.
The memory of my first day of her class still linger in my mind. That day really prooved that the course wasn't really going to be easy. On that day of class, she gave the class a complex topic to write on as our in class assingment after she, and all of us had introduced ourselves. We were asked to write on which one of these is more important, "MEMORY" and "REALITY" under 5 minutes just before class discussion of the topic. This was quite shoking, you know. Quiz on the first day of class?!
It looked like a bombshell that hit not just me alone but the 18 students in that class.
It seemed awkward a topic to write on at first.
How can one compare memory and reality?, I thought.
As the first minute was gone, whe announced that it was four minutes left and even then, no one had yet started writing anything. She mentioned that we should write our thinking and that it was all she require from us to do.
Oh, I seemed to have got the logic. I shuld write anything I think. "None is more important", I thought. I began to put my thought on the paper we were given. Believe me, it was the toughtest quiz I had come across in AAUN.
This morning, as I came across my script, I feel so happy that I could write a good piece like this under five minutes. I still doubt the Reality that I wrote it. But my memory is not that poor that I have forgotten so soon that I wrote it. After all, my name is there and the date is there too, my first day of the second semester class.
Memory and Reality: None is more important
Memory is the recall of a stored information. It could be natural such as when it is the brain that is involved in it or it could be artificial, e.g. computer memory.
Reality can be seen as something that has a possiblilty of occuring or has once occured.
On comparing memory and reality, we can find that there is no solid basis for comparison. Hence, hard to understatnd, if not impopssible which is more important.
In my opinion, each is as important as the other. Memory is important in knowing the time, place and generally, the details of an event. It helps one to know what the scene of an event is like. I remember when I was small and I was required to draw water before going to school every morning. This was because we lived in an area where tap water was very rare. On growing up and in this civilized world, we have seen that individuals now sink their bore holes and can get water. so the event of my old days is not quite easy to remember and somehow there seemed not be need for it. This is because man tends to live by the moment and that is reality. It now appears that my experience while young is becoming abstract and not real.
We can now see that it is easy to think that reality is in this case the most important. For anyone whol thinks this is true, I would like to say that the experience of an event (memory) calls for one to live at the moement - reality. Just as the hostorians would say, "history is what makes people know where they belong and where they are heeding to."
We can now see that Memory and Reality are two intertwined comcepts.