Wednesday, August 30, 2006
A Bad Day During the Second Class Orientation
I need not be told
Sure there have been one bad day in AAUN
and that I can say was my worst day in the university.
It just happened that I was so hungry
and needed to go for lunch
in a far off place
which was the cafeteriat at the new campus
though only across the old campus
I was very hungry
for I had skipped breakfst
due to hurriness to catch up the 7 o'clock morning bus from town
and then it has ran late
having being so occupied with students orientation
though had not felt so hungry
But my spot is a very sensitive position
the first point of check in
so I needed someone to replace me before leaving
Hence, my main reason for being so late.
And someone came at last
then I left
waiting for 30 mins for a bus to arrive
It wasn't 30 mins yet
when I saw a bus
I taught I was only lucky
But found ourt it was going to the old campus.
This wasn't the only disasappointement though,
Prior to it, I had done a damage
It happened in my attempt to lend a hand
Carrying a luggage into the bus
and the handle went broken
And in fact, just then the world stopped turning!
It was incredible.
Although, the luggage wasn't heavy though
Yet that wasn't the main reason the handle broke
I had rather been too forceful lifting it
Maybe not willing to show my hunger or weakness
Truly a foolish act
And generally, an insane attitude
No wonder scientist say everyone is mad at least for 5 mins a day.
How do I say sorry?
It's hard expecially because the person is not my friend and worst all, a freshman, first day in the school.
How do I express my feeling that she may understand?
So that she can forgive me (though not forget it).
Writing only should be.
Summer Holiday in Yola; a Near Death Experience
First was the issue of language. Hausa was the commonest language as every one I met or that approach me speaks hausa at first conversation statement. And the most inriguing is that 9 out of 10 people here do not understand English. So, communication was really a problem. I could neither make friends easily or interact well. The best thing for me to do therefore, was to look for a book that can teach me the basis and I did provide one for myself. It was'nt the best way or I would say the most effective way however as I later learnt. It was really the frequent hearing of a word and asking the meaning from somebody that made it stick to my brain.
Other things like incessant plague of mosquito bit, excessive heat and lack of recreational fascilities really made me to have a bad time staying here in Yola. I had to tern it Yola esidential frustration because it got to a point were I was just tired of life here. I had no money yet would not call my parents because I was really proving some stubbornees (refusal to go home). If I had called home, mum would have at least sent some meoney but I was cooking some stuff as a madman. I never mind going to Sama brakery to buy bread and start tradingin sabo market (not revealing my identity as AAUN student anyway) For all I cared, there is Joy in madness known only to those that are in the process fand only they being insane can explain the joy of it, for if they do, you would not understand because you're not mad yourself. That was/is me and that was/is my phylosophy.
But after a month, I made some profit which was to carry me through to the point of expiration of my madness (end of August) where I would then need to call home so that they send me money.

My school has began an exchange program. They started with faculty and Dr Kinuthia Macharia from Kenya is the first coming from the American University of Washington. He has also once taught in Harvard University.
During last spring semester, he made a visit to the campus where he delivered a guest lecture on the Mau mau movemnt in Kenya. His urbanization lecture was realy interesting and he is indeed a professor whose class I know I would miss because I'm not taking that course this semester though, I love socialization and in fact, all humanity courses in general; phylosophy, psycology, western civilization, African civilization, literature, etc.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
People who hate to Sleep
Not every one has believed that sleep is necessary. Napoleon I, emperor of France, and Federick the great, king of prussia, were two of these people. Even though they were leaders of their different countries at different times, they had one thing in common. They both thought sleep was just a bad habit that wasted time, and they both tried to proove it. They didn't do this together, but they both had the same method - staying up. But neither one lasted more than two nights, and they both needed several days to recover from the experiment.
I used to have this same feeling then, that sleep wasn't important but this time I not only believe but know and uphold it is one of the most important things in the world; a great necessity.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Summer Holiday is Gone
Summer hos, summer hols
Oh summer hols
You came
You stayed
You stayed
And stayed
As if you have no legs to walk away
Day after day
Week after week
you remained at a spot
as if cripple was your inherited name
Next month you would leave
But the month came you still stood
Standing and looking,
like the lost sheep
that lost sheep of Mr shepard
I would never come close.
The other day when you roard ,
It was like you were calling rain
maybe for another battle I thought
but it has been your greatest foe
so the the sound should only be a grunt
But I wonder what at last lose your tied legs
the rain had come
people were coming
the crowd was gathering
another serious battle was imminent
greater than ever
that has ever been
But behold, you ran away
Summer hols, summer hols,
the rain has won the battle
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I just pick a literature book to read this evening, titled spotlight on literature. The first chapter "living and learning" has an entry titled "SOR losers" It is about some high school students who don't like sport and in their junior year they, Ed Sitrow and his friends, managed to slip through without playing a sport. Meanwhile their school requires each student to do at least one sport.
A specila senior soccer team was created just for them when it was realised they never played in any team in their Junior year. Despite encouragement from everyone, including their coach and the school's councelor, the team had lost every game. As a result, there was a great pressure for them to win this game (their last). And when the school newspaper approached the captain for an interview, the he (ED) spoke in a way that looks interesting. Hence, I decieded to post it to my this blog. Excerpt below.
Newspaper: How does it feel to lose every game?
Ed: I never played on a team that won, so I can't compare. But it's interesting.
Newspaper: How many teams have you been on?
Ed: Just this one
Newspaper: Do you want to win?
Ed: Wouldn't mind knowing what it feels like for the novelty.
Newspaper: Have you figured our why you lose all the time?
Ed: They scored more goals.
Newspaper: Have you seen any improvement?
Ed: I've been too busy.
Newspaper: Busy with what?
Ed: Trying to stop their goals. Ha...ha..ha
Newspaper: From the scores, it doesn't seem like you've been too successful with that.
Ed: You can imagine what the scores would have been if I wasn't there. Actually, I'm the talest.
Newspaper: What's that have to do with it?
Ed: Ask Mr Lester (the coach)
Newspaper: No S.O.R. team has ever lost all its games in one season. How do you feel about that record?
Ed: I read somewhere that records are made to be broken.
Newspaper: But how will you feel?
Ed: Same as I do now?
Newspaper: How's that?
Ed: Fine
Newspaper: Give us a preduction. Will you win or lose your last game?
Ed: As captain, I can promise only one thing.
Newspaer: And what's that?
Ed: I don't want to be there to see what happens.
This captain must be stupid, I think. He claims to be the captain yet would not be in that match.
Although this is a fiction, I really wonder if there is somebody who does not like to win. Well if you have found one, post a comment to this blog.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
At Last, We Produced and did Not Perish

advitise the product and volunteering to give his car for us to use in the distribution. Below is a draft of the e-mail he sent to us when we just started progressing.
Hello Bakery
Group, I need to commend Shola, the baker, and all of those who
have been part of the transformation of the Bakery group. Our product is
unbelievably good (a few more pictures are attached). So good
that people DEMAND
to buy it. I bought some breakfast rolls today and
they're half gone and it is
not yet midnight not to talk about morning. I
had to rush to the faculty club to
shed some calories. The ultimate
compliment? My cook (a trained chef) begs for
her daily rations of Maravilla
magic and commandeers any haft-eaten loaf dumb
enough to be lying around
unattended. "Sir, this is for me, right?! You promised
to get me more
loaves!!" Ladies and gentlemen, we have an opportunity to rock
the bread
industry in Yola and come out of this with a handsome profit. I am
glad that
we have chosen to produce rather than perish (with a little
from you know who, LOL). Keep up the good work! Dr. Alvan Ikoku
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Poor Communication Skills yet a Communication Major
Do I communicate the right message to the right person at the right time?
Do I think carefully about a message before I decide how to communicate it?
Do I project self-confidence and speak confidently?
Do I welcome feedback about my communication?
Do I listen intently and check I have understood before I reply?
Do I try to exclude personal prejudices of all kinds when judging others?
Am I constructive and civil when I meet others?
Do I take time to give people the information they need and want?
Do I use one-to-one meetings for reviews of performance and coaching?
Do I question people to find out what they think and how they are getting on?
Do I hand out written briefs that give all pertinent information on a task?
Do I use professional phone techniques to improve my communication?
Do I communicate via all available electronic media?
I know of somebody who can certainly say yes to all these. All first class AAUN students know that our former dean of students, Barry Morris can say yes to all these questions if he asks himself. I have decided to follow his style of speaking. He is a true exemplary Charisma I have come across.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
AAUN Students Mainly Muslims and Christians
Prior to my joining ECK, I was a pagan. Some say I was an athiest maybe because I believe that there is no simgle human called God. Actually, I was/am still a phylosopher who belives that God is there in his dormain and does not interfer with the sufferings of manking - a heathen. I see God as not a human but a universal consciousness that resides in the heart of everybody as LOVE.
You may find some of these quotes thoughtful. They are given by Harold Klemp from his book, the language of soul.
Learn to give, without ever thinking of a reward. That’s how to find the treasures of heaven.
The principles of Spirit are embedded in the literature and in the life of our culture. Truth is never hidden. It is always available for the Soul who wants to take the next step.
Sometimes it’s important to just stop and be grateful for the blessings that you already have.
There is usually somewhat of a struggle when we move into a higher state of awareness, and that is natural. The problems in life can be dreaded with fear, or they can be seen as opportunities for growth—and a challenge.
You must make up your own mind as to what you want to do. Consider all parts of your life, the financial and emotional included, and do what seems to be common sense. Then plan and work carefully.
Sometimes you are called upon by the Holy Spirit to go out of your way to help another person toward the enlightenment of God.
Healings always depend on the individual: How conscious is that Soul?
I would be posting some of these quotes now because I have lots of them.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Life is a Stage Where Everyone Acts
On is bound to face difficulties in as much as life is a constantly changing phenomenon. While in my summer holiday here in Yola, I really saw the end of life. At times, one need to be stubborn just to get something and in this context, I refused to travel home during the holiday preferring instead to live among the average people of the society here in Yola.
Why stay in an luxurious home where my freedom is a price to pay, I always wonder.
Last Saturday, I was going through my old files and I came across this piece among my documents. It was written by one of my high school days successors in JETS (Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists) club, Aliu Sunday whom I take not just a friend but a brother. He gained admission to the university of Benin a year before I did. The letter (drafted below) is a reply to one I wrote to him showing my annoyance on him for not bordering to say hi about 2 years after we left school and for about 3 months after I got admission into the school in the same faculty (engineering). I really appreciate this letter and decided to keep it among my documents.
To err is human to forgive is divine. I've tread the paths that even the gods dread. What can a man do to placate the wrath of Omorx?
Sure, you were a mentor, a friend, a companion and a brother altogether. In those days when Ignoance slapped me in the face, while I was groping in the dark, you brought light to my path.
Secret things they say belong to the gods, but I am constrained to unravel the mystery of my adventures in life in the last couple of years to you.
This may shock you! For over a year now, I have been living outside my home. Alone in the wind, walking and treading the dangerous paths of life with God with me. Hell was let loose and father/mother/sisters went their ways. Holding my breath, keeping faith I prayed for the dawn of a new day. But the more I looked the deeper the orifice of delusion.
Actually, over the time, I've been living in my world. A world of loneliness. Alone in empty nothingness of space. God was my last hope. Amidst sorrows, happiness lasts but a moment.
There were days when the sun was so cold, when the night lasted forever. Dawn was far. This was the odyssey of my life in those days. There are lots words cannot explain. If man were omniscient, all would have been been plain. ALL IS MYSTERY AND MYSTERY IS ALL. I will say more when we see heart to heart. "Occulo omentum" ----> eyes on the goal.
Amidst trouble waters, happiness lasts but a day
sorrows and sighs all over the place
holding my breath dear God, strengthen this young man trying to profit from a world of sin
with our fingers crossed and keeping faith, we trust thee
dear God.
Omorx, thank God we are together now.
Remember at times, love starts with hate.
logo/art/emblem/nonsense (just anything you wanna call it)
The Coat of Arm has all the AAUN emblem: Desert Rose, AAUN logo, US flag, Nigeria flag, sub-Sahara African map showing Nigeria and a red spot, University motto, v_shape, hills, V_SAT, and strides showing AAUN colors.
The US flag shows that it is an American styled university (curriculum wise, faculty trained wise, etc. )
The Nigerian flag symbolizes that it is established in Nigeria.
Map of Sub-Sahara Africa shows that it is the first one in the region.
Nigeria is shown in the map to show where in Africa the country is.
The Red spot indicates the sunshine intensity in Yola (some what very high at some times of the year) and depicts the specific location of the university.
Under the map of sub-Sahara Africa is the University motto: "preparing future African leaders for global challenges." [Only a suggestion though]
The v_shape signifies the location of the university: at the valley of river Benue, a very important river in Nigeria.
The hills show Adamawa hills and the grasses signify the rich vegetations in the hills. (Adamawa is the state of Nigeria where the school, AAUN is located and the hills and valleys are typical landmarks of the state.)
Down the v_shape of the logo, there is the university's giant V-SAT which shows the fortress/emphasis the university has on Information Technology.
In between the AAUN logo and both flags, and at the top of the wordings of 'Abti American University of Nigeria' is blue waves. The waves depicts the river benue waves while the color, blue shows the love that exist among all students regardless of whom they are, where they are from or what religion they practice.
The plant, Desert Rose can be the university mascot. (!just a suggestion) (It's been named for the school's newspaper. It is "an amazing plant that is specially adapted to live in this part of Africa. It has a fleshy trunk that stores water for long periods which makes it to thrive in even the most arid conditions. The plant is akin to AAUN which rises out of the sweeping plains of the savanna yet full of life, resilience and enduring beauty.”
The flowers (6) symbolize the students who are beautiful and bright, clearly the best feature and drawn from the six continents of the world.
The branches symbolize the vision of the school - multi-faceted, reaching upward and outward.
The base symbolizes the foundation of the school - deeply rooted, providing strength and support.
The leaves (5) symbolizes the five schools of the university: - School of Arts and Science, School of Information and Communication, School of Business and Entrepreneurship, School of Engineering and the School of law (Note that the latter schools will kick off in two years time)
Under the Desert Rose, there are three tools by means of which AAUN is achieving its mission: Quality, Integrity and Style.
-Quality, i.e. the quality of education the school is offering which is of world class standard.
-Integrity: means honesty and incorruptibility; values which are deeply embroiled in the University philosophy.
-Style: An American style which is a different pedagogical approach as against the British style that operates in Nigeria.
Down the three tools, (quality, integrity and style) are strides which have four colors (the four colors of the university) with white being the predominant. This white color signifies the peaceful nature of the state (Adamawa) in relation to other parts of the country.
This nonsense designed is opened to suggestion or criticism for further modification if need be. I think a general background of black should be preferred or makes it more beautiful, instead of white. However, it can remain white for now and maybe if the gesture to improving it suffices, then I would experiment using various colors.
In general, I think this work is non-sense. But it reflects my true nature of experimenting with different kinds of ideas to bring out a pattern or something sensible. If you chose to say inovation, you correct. If you also say madness, you aren't wrong either. After all, there is joy in madness, known only to those that are mad (ooops).
A Serious Minded Gentleman with Harsh Words

I have said it before and I would not hesitate to reiterate it. The first thing in my life is knowledge acquisation via quality education, and I can be very ferocious when someone tramples on my feet with a view to preventing me from getting it.
I have once been dropped out of this school and that was at the middle of my second semester of my freshman year and I cannot compromise withdrawing again.
That should be the last for anyother would mean not graduating with my class (the first class). I would really like to be among the pioneer graduates of this institution just as I've been one of the pioneer freshmen.

So, let he who wants to give me a tough time know my propelling force. It is in a simple statement ecompassing 3 things:
I either be a student of this school, or
become a madman, again, among the destitutes in the street or
ceize existence.
Let he also remember that "tough times never last, for only tough people do," because I have seen enough! Life is a training ground as well as a battle field.
A cork has to eat corn before it can make its sonorious cry of cock ado -do-0-o-o- do.
I rest my case!
My Goal Lives Forever
My Future, don't call my name
because I would not answer you.
It is obvious you're dead
Becuase you have neglected me.
I look but can't see
I listen but can't hear
Even my boat don't float anymore
So I have abandoned it to walk the way.
Though I could walk
But without a direction
Which way do I go?
became the daily song
as I stood still at the crossroad
or backward.
I was indeed at a delima
I decided to retrace my step
What did I need when I first came here?
I remebered my goal
To what extent have I achieved it?
I realize I was making the biggest mistake:
forgetting or neglecting my goal
basically because I did not write it down.
I shall now do that
So that it would remain ALIVE forever.
Western Civilization; The Course I Dread Most in My First Year
The work load became much as we climbed the stair case of the semester ladder. It seemed we could not go through everything. and even when it was time for the mid-term break (salah break), as some went home to celebrate the festival with their families, others went for a trip to Yankari game reserve in Bauchi, and while some were noticed to have been in one classroom or the other battling for the conquering of western civilization, and unraveling the menas to avoid plagiarism in their next reflection paper in the course. There had never been a more dreaded course.

"a literal reading of the creation stories of The Book" [Religious books he means] "differs sustantially from the account given by the overwhelming consensus of modern science. The topic says can the explanation in The Book be understood as metaphor?" The prof will emphasize.
It was indeed a battle between religion and science.
Initially, it seemed the battle would last till infinity.
Well the joy now is that the battle eventually ended as we came to the end of the semester.
So, the series of baptism of reflection papers were gone.
The task of sitting down to watch the Eugen Weber video in the AV room of the library was over. The task of spending 8 hours a week in the Lagos room, studying for the course was gone.
But I will miss one thing. The series of "abuses" gained on every lecture he delivers which was making me to consider enrolling for his course on comparative politics during the following semester, at least as an elective.
Professor Bill Hanseen is his name but I call him the crazy professor because he is really superb.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Exploring the Titanic
As I read about the voyage of Robert Ballard on discovery the titanic I wondered where the passengers 2,200 where going and why they could trust the safety of this truly gigantic ship. Well you might not have known that the Titanic was 882 feet (269m) - almost four city blocks - long. Her nine decks towered as high as an 11 -story building and that it was the first ocean liner to have a swimming pool.
The ocean liner R.M.S. Titanic was built in 1911 and deemed "virtually unsinkable." But on its maiden voyage in 1912, the ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank, killing 1,500 of the 2,200 passengers aboard. Nothing sounds more tragedies than the ship's captains life, Edward J. Smith, who had served the white star line of passenger ships for 38 years. HE planned to retire after this last trip, a tribute to his long and successful career.
In 1985, Robert D. Ballard and his team discovered the remains of the Titanic on the ocean floor. A year later, the team returned to explore the ship in their submariner Alvin, with the help of Jason Jr their robot.
A doll's head and a man's patent leather shoe are usually not objects of wonder, of course. But they were truly haunting images to explorer and oceanographer Robert Ballad, because of where they were found - among the wreckage of the Titanic. Ballard saw these objects throught the eyes of his small robot operated from his three-man submerging, Alvin.
searching a 150-square-mile area of the ocean floor for the Titanic "makes finding a needle in a haystack seem, trivial," he says.
Ballard continues to be intrigued by technology and by what lies in the depths of the ocean. His book the lost wreck of the Isis describes his discovery of a sunken Roman Ship.
I'm looking forward to reading this book.
Adapted from Spotlight on literature by Candy Dawson Boyd et al.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
A Song for Africa: I take a Stand for Africa, Until it's Built
I like blogging because it's a place for achives.
In a blog, you can view your works (edit and review) as they are always there for you anytime, so long as you have a computer hooked up to the internet. There is no case of I left my book somewhere or I can't find the page I wrote it. I remember having writen so many poems in my high school days but I can't have a trace on them because I always write them in my rough notes, and I have since then (six years ago) I have lived in four other places outside my parents home.
Not only poems have I written but songs as well. In fact, I like songs and in generally good music like classical music. I do know I have a talent for composing songs. In short those things that characterises medieval Age of the western world, I'm really good at them: Lyric poems, composing music, architectural workds and lots of other things.
This night, as I wrote this song, I decided that I would not forget it hence, my purpose of posting it.
I take a stand
You take a stand
We all take a stand
for Africa........our home continent
To let it stand............among others
Let's take a stand to build Africa
building Africa............until it's strong
Dean of Students in my Freshman Year

He is Barry Morris and was my dean (dean of students) in my first year of study in this school.
I, as well as other students, particularly like his charismatic ability. He talks very fluently and inspirationally. He is a mentor and has a great ability to coach. I still remember when he had a seminar for on being a successful student and he talked about time management, setting goals, changing attitudes among other things which really helped me in my first year of study in this school.
But it was really unfortunate that we would not be having it this academic year as he has resigned. I just pray the school get, as they have promised, another like him.
IT Grant from Marthkur Foundation
Our school is begining to get recorgnition by lots of bodies not just accross Africa alone, but the world.
During the spring of 2005, our school received a grant from Marthkur, a foundation based in the US. The grant, according to the information on the american university of Washington international newsletter, "will enable it establish an information technology (IT) hub that provides training for faculty in the use of instructional technologies and for students to become tech tutors." You can visit the site for details:
Best Wishes to the First Class Students
This particular one was written when our final exams was approaching. One can call it a free writing. We were taught to always do what is called free writing when as a pre-writing technique, when we have an essay to write. But this evening, I was not intending to use this free writing for any essay just to express my feelings because very soon, then, the semester was going to end and we shall all depart for the mid-academic-year (chrismass) break.
I wish every first class student success in their exams.
The road is rougher than we had all hoped.
And at this point it has become rough.
But I assure us all that we shall survive it.
But to survive this battle, we have to use a strategy:
We should realize that we came as eagles; the first class eagle.
Why give up Now when almost at the hills?
And when we could even soar higher.
There is always a way for the willing mind.
Once again, I wish you all the very best in your exams.
Remember to write in the first class way; the first class of which you are.
Keep soaring like the first class eagle.
Best wishes from
I hear you say I must be crazy,
Well, I doubt if you're wrong!!
The Desert Rose, Our Newspaper Club
The first day I steped into this school, I was very impressed with the level of development that has taken place here. I was up for a challenge. I started to write because writting is one of my numerous hobbies. I wrote about my impressions about the school. I was really full of energy.
On the last day of orientation, we were asked to sign up for any club of our choice. I need not think of what club to join first because the newspaper club was there.
well if you're ambitous like me, curious and full of energy, interested in learning about hot topics of the day and investigating the different sides of an issue, think of joining our newspaper club, also known as the Desert Rose.
Come discover your skills as a Reporter, Editor Artist, Organiser, Creative Writer, Interviewer, Layout Person or even a good advertising personnel if you are business minded.
Journalism can be a powerful and influential force in any society.
In our Club, you will decide what news is worth reporting; appreciate the resposibility of good reporting of the news; and develop your intellectual ability to discuss intelligently what you see, hear, and read on campus.
It's your choice!
You wanna Join?
Send an e-mail to:
But you would have to be a student of this school before being a member.
If you are a prospective student, click this link:
I know some one wondering about why we chose the word Desert Rose as our newspaper.
The Desert Rose, botanically known as Adenium Obesum, is an amazing plant that is specially adapted to live in this part of Africa.
It has a fleshy trunk that stores water for long periods, thus allowing the plant to thrive in even the most arid conditions.
We chose the name because the plant reminds us of our school as it relects the location, foundation, students and vision of the school.
Location: Like The Desert Rose, Abti-American University of Nigeria rises out of the sweeping plains of the savanna - full of life, resilience, and enduring beauty.
Vision: The branches symbolizes the vision of the school - multi-faceted, reaching upward and outward.
Students: The flower symbolizes the students of the school - beautiful and bright, clearly the best feature!
Foundation: The base symbolizes the foundation of the school - deeply rooted, providing strenght and support.
Let me inform you that we have the first issue of our campus newspaper already published as at March 1st, 2006. It is available on this web page.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Life is Hard, Life is Wicked
Life, Oh prescious life
Why do you treat your citizens bad?
Why do you not give all equal opportunities?
Why do you not interfer in your peoples trouble?
Oh, I wonder!
The first time your citizens came into this world
You gave them an impression of your concern
You welcome them so well
You shawer the rain of love among them
As the years went by
You secretely withdrew your hands from them
So that they may realize that existemce is an individual affair
I'm afraid, you're wicked
I remember when I first began to know you
but it wasn't the real you, you portrayed
why being so deceptive?
why, just why?
I swear, I hate you
Most painfully, many claim you have power
And so you can do all things
But you refuse to let us know why you never help the powerless
What if I say you are not powerful
Or must I pray and fast for forty days before you agree to help me?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Spring Semester Students Suya Nite; the best of the rest
It was the best groove ever organised by the first class students.
It was organised by the second batch of the first class students (Spring Semester Students)
See the disco lights!
See the vibrations from the heavy beats for very hot steps and hot dance!!
See the DJ selection!!!
No doubt he was the heaviest DJ in town, MJ.
And what about the chicken, suya and drinks?
"Abba", trust now, they were flowing like water.(humm), You've gotta be there. No doubt it was just the bomb.
The party was held on the last day of the second semester 2006 exam. This was delibrate so that students would have a happy semester ending.
On the evening of the party, students travelling by air had had their luggage taken to the airport.
And since there was no assignment to do, it was party time; grooving until you could groove no more such that the following morning, you fly back home. In fact, there was no better thing in life at that moment.
That was it for the second semester and in fact, it did had a happy ending.