ITC 101 (Introduction To Computer) was a first semester course. It was a core course for all majors. It was the course that "chop the chunk" of all AAUN first time. This Russian gentle man you see here is Dr Butakov, our computer instructor. He ensures that he keeps us all busy while the semester lasted. At the begining of the semester, he shared us into groups of two's i.e. every one has a peer mate with whom to do assignment together and believe me, there was really LOTS OF ASSIGNMENT to do. Did you see this girl whose shoulder my left hand is over?
She is Radiya Nasir and was my peer in the course and she is my very good friend." Thank God it is all over". That was our words as we have a cool snap of what Idi (the Joker of AAUN ) called "close up picture." We were happy because the bulk of assignments and practice before class for in-lab assignments and good morning quiz were all over since there was no final exam on that course.
Really, the series of exams that we had (two weeks interval) and good morning quizes were an enough doze for us. We were very happy as the semester was coming to an end. At last, we could go home to have enough sleep. Our instructor would no longer remind us of the need to practice before the coming to class again because of course there would be no classes again. That moment reminded us of our primary school days of singing the song
"holiday is coming..., holiday is coming..., no more calling bell.., teachers good bye, all friends good bye..., I am going to spend my jolly holiday.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...................
hei somebody, help me to laugh. I can't laugh further. Laugh Out Loud because again, life would become beautiful when one wakes up from the bed in his fathers house and say thank God, there is no assignment due today.