Thanksgiving is an American custom and is a tradition celebrated around the world. It is said to "commemorate a 17th century feast prepared by the Pilgrims- a group of early settles in the United States." [AAUN thanksgiving programm]

Here in AAUN, we also celebrated it. The first celebration took place on the 24th November, 2005. It was held in the community hall (School Cafeteriat).
On the thanksgiving day, we all thought it was going to be a celebration full of music and dance. But this was not

really it. It was just a kind of dinning night, sitting with friends and snapping pictures though with music playing at the background. Each table had at

least a professor sitting among the students and discussing with them on any issue that was raised while dinning on different kinds of food went on. There was a big turkey meat that was sliced and cut to the individual's choice. It was a lovely day as we have different photos with our faculty members and ourselves (students), being sumptiously dressed. Some of our faculty members also danced with us. For example, my writing Professor, Cheery Pavlick and the Dean of students, Dr Barry Morris. I and I'm sure all students will
live to remember that day.
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