Friday, September 01, 2006

Second Class Berbecue Dinner; that D day

Yesterday, the stage was set
melodious music sprayed the air waves
preparing a welcoming atmosphere
it was a dinner
the president Berbecue dinner

New students were there
their families were there
all being welcomed
as would an august guest
no doubt they were really augustus

a welcome speech and a dinner only
that only it was
but I saw something different
an inspirational terrain of how the day would be

That day above which no more assignment
were writing reflection papers would have become an old story
were studeying for class would be no more
and series of baptismal pop up good morning quizes would have been burried

that day when I sahll begin to say I am a member of the AAUN alumni
that day when I shall put on my red and green gown
matching gloriously to the pupit
to bagging my honors
it shall be a day of joy
and sadness shall not prevail
It shall be a day to remember
that day shall be a D day.

Dee Day Dat Doze Deadly Dos Dat Do
Dim Don't Do Du.. Du..Du...Duu Da Da Da Da Ha..ha.. ha

I'm sorry, I'm a little bit crazy at times

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