Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Info: Do you know Isaac Asimov?

Perhaps Isaac Asimov and I have something in common, writing. Once called "the human writing machine," according to spotlight on literature, Isaac Asimov (1929 - 1992) was the author of over 470 books. "I must write," the prolific Asimov would say. "I look upon everything but writing as an interrution".

Spotlight on literature says he is perhaps the most widely known science fiction writer in the world. Among his honors were five Hugo Awards from the world of science fiction series (for his foundation services); best novel 1973 (for the Gods thenselves); and best short story1983 (for "the Bicetennical man").

The science fiction writers of America voted his work"Nightfall" the best all the science fiction story.

Asimov also wrote dozens of popular nonfiction books and articles about science, maths and other topics.

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