Sunday, June 18, 2006

A "Some How" Day of My Freshman Year!

My freshman year was really a year of delima for me; not knowing whether I would be return to my former school (University of Benin) or would continue. I was always lonely - I'm not quick at making friends especially while so depressed and confused. I can recall an experience when Sheriff, a course mate called me through Waheda's phone while we were on maths study group class and I was thinking of answering it or not.

I really behaved funny on that day. Actually, I had made up my mind not to call my parents and uncle and even switched off my phone completely. I did this because I was tired of being persuaded to return to my former school. At this particular moment, I was thinking who it could be that was calling. I was not willing to pick any call for the fear it might be from my parents or uncle but some of those class mates of mine would not understand and claim I was somehow. Ha-ha-ha, I was some how really, but for a reason!

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