Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life is a Stage Where Everyone Acts

Do you know that at times when we pass through difficulties, we take no cognizance that someone has done the same and that many still live in that difficulty?

On is bound to face difficulties in as much as life is a constantly changing phenomenon. While in my summer holiday here in Yola, I really saw the end of life. At times, one need to be stubborn just to get something and in this context, I refused to travel home during the holiday preferring instead to live among the average people of the society here in Yola.
Why stay in an luxurious home where my freedom is a price to pay, I always wonder.

Last Saturday, I was going through my old files and I came across this piece among my documents. It was written by one of my high school days successors in JETS (Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists) club, Aliu Sunday whom I take not just a friend but a brother. He gained admission to the university of Benin a year before I did. The letter (drafted below) is a reply to one I wrote to him showing my annoyance on him for not bordering to say hi about 2 years after we left school and for about 3 months after I got admission into the school in the same faculty (engineering). I really appreciate this letter and decided to keep it among my documents.

Straight from my heart
Life is a stage where everyone acts his part and quits the scene. The very perfection of a man is rooted in his imperfection. These words come from the land of immortality to the sons of men saying, don't be too series about life because you won't take anything out of here.

To err is human to forgive is divine. I've tread the paths that even the gods dread. What can a man do to placate the wrath of Omorx?

Sure, you were a mentor, a friend, a companion and a brother altogether. In those days when Ignoance slapped me in the face, while I was groping in the dark, you brought light to my path.
Secret things they say belong to the gods, but I am constrained to unravel the mystery of my adventures in life in the last couple of years to you.

This may shock you! For over a year now, I have been living outside my home. Alone in the wind, walking and treading the dangerous paths of life with God with me. Hell was let loose and father/mother/sisters went their ways. Holding my breath, keeping faith I prayed for the dawn of a new day. But the more I looked the deeper the orifice of delusion.

Actually, over the time, I've been living in my world. A world of loneliness. Alone in empty nothingness of space. God was my last hope. Amidst sorrows, happiness lasts but a moment.
There were days when the sun was so cold, when the night lasted forever. Dawn was far. This was the odyssey of my life in those days. There are lots words cannot explain. If man were omniscient, all would have been been plain. ALL IS MYSTERY AND MYSTERY IS ALL. I will say more when we see heart to heart. "Occulo omentum" ----> eyes on the goal.

Amidst trouble waters, happiness lasts but a day
sorrows and sighs all over the place
holding my breath dear God, strengthen this young man trying to profit from a world of sin
with our fingers crossed and keeping faith, we trust thee
dear God.

Omorx, thank God we are together now.
Remember at times, love starts with hate.

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