Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Song for Africa: I take a Stand for Africa, Until it's Built

This morning as I woke up, I feel I just need to write something. Then I taught of my goal which is to become successful in this school. Then I thought of entertaining people and what about a song to end my ode for my entertainment, it would be great. All of a sudden, I saw myself singing a song and quicly took a pen a paper to draft the song on it. I immediately thought of sending it to my blog so that I don't forget it so easily because hardly is there a week I don't visit my blog.

I like blogging because it's a place for achives.
In a blog, you can view your works (edit and review) as they are always there for you anytime, so long as you have a computer hooked up to the internet. There is no case of I left my book somewhere or I can't find the page I wrote it. I remember having writen so many poems in my high school days but I can't have a trace on them because I always write them in my rough notes, and I have since then (six years ago) I have lived in four other places outside my parents home.

Not only poems have I written but songs as well. In fact, I like songs and in generally good music like classical music. I do know I have a talent for composing songs. In short those things that characterises medieval Age of the western world, I'm really good at them: Lyric poems, composing music, architectural workds and lots of other things.

This night, as I wrote this song, I decided that I would not forget it hence, my purpose of posting it.

I take a stand
You take a stand
We all take a stand
for Africa........our home continent
To let it stand............among others
Let's take a stand to build Africa
building Africa............until it's strong

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