Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Summer Holiday in Yola; a Near Death Experience

During this summer holiday, May 2006, I deceided to stay here in Yola and make strategic plans that wouldl enable me return to school during the fall semester, getting adapted to living in the environment amongst others. But it was hell for me, I must confess.

First was the issue of language. Hausa was the commonest language as every one I met or that approach me speaks hausa at first conversation statement. And the most inriguing is that 9 out of 10 people here do not understand English. So, communication was really a problem. I could neither make friends easily or interact well. The best thing for me to do therefore, was to look for a book that can teach me the basis and I did provide one for myself. It was'nt the best way or I would say the most effective way however as I later learnt. It was really the frequent hearing of a word and asking the meaning from somebody that made it stick to my brain.

Other things like incessant plague of mosquito bit, excessive heat and lack of recreational fascilities really made me to have a bad time staying here in Yola. I had to tern it Yola esidential frustration because it got to a point were I was just tired of life here. I had no money yet would not call my parents because I was really proving some stubbornees (refusal to go home). If I had called home, mum would have at least sent some meoney but I was cooking some stuff as a madman. I never mind going to Sama brakery to buy bread and start tradingin sabo market (not revealing my identity as AAUN student anyway) For all I cared, there is Joy in madness known only to those that are in the process fand only they being insane can explain the joy of it, for if they do, you would not understand because you're not mad yourself. That was/is me and that was/is my phylosophy.

But after a month, I made some profit which was to carry me through to the point of expiration of my madness (end of August) where I would then need to call home so that they send me money.

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