Sunday, August 27, 2006

Summer Holiday is Gone

As AAUN was becoming a behive of activity, I realised that the summer holiday was going and I deceided to write this poem.

Summer hos, summer hols
Oh summer hols
You came
You stayed
You stayed
And stayed
As if you have no legs to walk away

Day after day
Week after week
you remained at a spot
as if cripple was your inherited name

Next month you would leave
But the month came you still stood
Standing and looking,
like the lost sheep
that lost sheep of Mr shepard
I would never come close.

The other day when you roard ,
It was like you were calling rain
maybe for another battle I thought
but it has been your greatest foe
so the the sound should only be a grunt

But I wonder what at last lose your tied legs
the rain had come
people were coming
the crowd was gathering
another serious battle was imminent
greater than ever
that has ever been
But behold, you ran away

Summer hols, summer hols,
the rain has won the battle

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